The Beginning Steps

This week I began my internship at Prana Consulting. I have to admit, I am very surprised at just how vast and deep the subject matter I have to cover. However, I would be lying if I said it was boring. The first week of my internship only confirmed my interest in the supply chain field. Along with starting my internship, I have begun to read the Theory of Constraints. It provides an interesting take and theory on how product manufacturing is supposed to be run. It provides this theory in the form of a story, which makes it easier for the audience to understand. I really appreciate this as it would be extremely difficult to understand complex metaphors and vocabulary right at the beginning of my learning. Fortunately, some members at Prana have also read the book so it has been interesting discussing it with them so far. So far, my project has gone on without a hitch and I’m looking forward to the rest of it!


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